Information on the National Database "Italy"

The National Database "Italy" consists of 5,638 haplotypes (at least minimal) which were published in 19 population studies and were additionally submitted via personal communication (5 submissions) .

Most common haplotypes

Count DYS19 DYS389I DYS389II DYS390 DYS391 DYS392 DYS393 DYS385
190 14 13 29 24 11 13 13 11,14
96 14 13 29 24 10 13 13 11,14
51 13 13 30 24 10 11 13 16,18
49 14 13 29 24 11 13 13 11,15
44 14 13 29 23 11 13 13 11,14
34 14 13 29 24 11 13 13 12,14
31 14 14 30 24 11 13 13 11,14
30 14 13 30 24 11 13 13 11,14
28 14 13 29 25 11 13 13 11,14
27 14 13 29 24 10 13 13 11,15
Count DYS391 DYS389I DYS439 DYS389II DYS438 DYS437 DYS19 DYS392 DYS393 DYS390 DYS385
67 11 13 12 29 12 15 14 13 13 24 11,14
36 10 13 12 29 12 15 14 13 13 24 11,14
24 11 13 11 29 12 15 14 13 13 24 11,14
20 10 13 12 30 10 14 13 11 13 24 16,18
20 11 13 12 29 12 15 14 13 13 24 11,15
18 11 13 13 29 12 15 14 13 13 24 11,14
17 10 14 12 30 9 15 13 13 13 23 14,15
17 11 13 11 30 10 14 14 11 12 23 13,19
15 10 13 11 28 10 15 17 11 13 23 12,12
14 10 13 11 28 10 15 17 11 13 23 12,13
Count DYS456 DYS389I DYS390 DYS389II DYS458 DYS19 DYS385 DYS393 DYS391 DYS439 DYS635 DYS392 YGATAH4 DYS437 DYS438 DYS448
15 14 14 23 30 16 13 14,15 13 10 12 22 13 11 15 9 19
12 15 13 24 29 17 14 12,16 14 11 12 24 13 12 14 12 19
11 14 13 23 30 18.2 14 13,19 12 11 11 21 11 11 14 10 20
9 16 13 24 29 17 14 11,14 13 11 12 23 13 12 15 12 19
9 16 14 23 31 18 14 10,15 13 11 11 23 13 12 15 13 20
8 16 13 24 29 18 14 12,14 13 11 11 24 13 12 15 13 19
7 15 13 24 29 17 14 11,14 13 10 12 23 13 12 15 12 19
6 16 13 25 29 16 13 11,15 13 11 12 24 13 12 14 13 19
5 14 13 23 28 17 17 12,13 9 10 11 21 11 12 15 10 20
5 14 13 24 28 14 15 12,12 13 10 12 23 13 11 14 11 19
Count DYS576 DYS389I DYS448 DYS389II DYS19 DYS391 DYS481 DYS549 DYS533 DYS438 DYS437 DYS570 DYS635 DYS390 DYS439 DYS392 DYS643 DYS393 DYS458 DYS385 DYS456 YGATAH4
10 19 14 19 30 13 10 27 13 12 9 15 18 22 23 12 13 11 13 16 14,15 14 11
8 17 13 19 29 14 11 22 14 12 12 14 17 24 24 12 13 10 14 17 12,16 15 12
6 17 13 19 29 13 11 22 13 13 13 14 16 24 25 12 13 10 13 16 11,15 16 12
6 18 14 20 31 14 11 23 13 13 13 15 16 23 23 11 13 10 13 18 10,15 16 12
4 16 12 20 29 15 10 21 12 9 10 16 17 21 23 12 11 12 13 19 12,15 15 11
4 17 13 18 29 13 10 23 12 12 12 15 18 23 23 11 13 10 13 17 11,14 16 12
4 17 13 19 29 14 11 24 13 12 12 15 17 23 24 12 13 12 13 17 11,14 16 12
4 17 13 20 29 14 10 23 13 12 9 15 18 21 22 11 11 8 12 14 13,16 15 11
4 17 13 20 29 14 11 22 13 13 12 15 17 25 24 12 12 10 13 16 11,15 15 12
4 18 13 20 29 14 11 22 12 11 9 15 18 22 23 11 11 10 12 16 13,17 17 11
Count DYS576 DYS389I DYS635 DYS389II DYS627 DYS460 DYS458 DYS19 YGATAH4 DYS448 DYS391 DYS456 DYS390 DYS438 DYS392 DYS518 DYS570 DYS437 DYS385 DYS449 DYS393 DYS439 DYS481 DYF387S1 DYS533
2 16 12 23 28 18 11 16 15 11 21 9 15 22 10 11 37 19 16 15,15 29 14 11 22 38,39 9
2 16 12 24 29 21 10 17 16 11 20 11 15 23 10 11 38 18 16 12,14 32 13 11 24 38,39 13
2 16 13 21 28 21 11 17 15 12 20 10 14 23 10 11 38 16 15 12,12 30 13 11 22 35,37 12
2 17 13 21 29 21 10 16 14 11 21 10 15 23 9 11 40 19 15 15,16 31 12 12 24 40,40 11
2 17 13 23 30 21 11 18 14 11 18 11 15 23 12 13 37 17 15 11,14 28 13 14 21 36,36 12
2 17 14 20 31 20 11 18.2 14 11 20 10 13 23 10 12 39 17 14 13,20 25 12 12 25 38,39 11
2 18 13 21 28 21 11 17 17 12 20 10 14 23 10 11 36 17 15 12,13 30 9 11 22 36,37 12
2 18 13 24 30 22 11 18 14 11 19 10 15 24 12 13 39 17 15 11,16 28 13 13 22 35,37 12
2 18 14 21 29 21 10 16 14 10 20 10 17 23 9 11 37 16 15 14,16 28 12 10 24 38,39 11
2 18 14 23 31 23 11 18 14 12 20 11 16 23 13 13 39 16 15 10,15 29 13 11 23 36,36 13
Count DYS19 DYS389I DYS389II DYS390 DYS391 DYS392 DYS393 DYS385 DYS439 DYS438 DYS437 DYS456 DYS458 DYS635 YGATAH4 DYS448 DYS576 DYS481 DYS549 DYS533 DYS570 DYS643 DYS627 DYS460 DYS518 DYS449 DYF387S1
2 13 14 30 23 10 13 13 14,15 12 9 15 14 16 22 11 19 19 27 13 12 18 11 20 11 36 32 38,39
2 14 14 31 23 11 13 13 10,15 11 13 15 16 18 23 12 20 18 23 13 13 16 10 23 11 39 29 36,36

Population studies

  • Capelli C., Arredi B., Baldassari L., Boschi I., Brisighelli F., Caglià A., Dobosz M., Scarnicci F., Vetrugno G. and Pascali VL. (2006), 'A 9-loci Y chromosome haplotype in three Italian populations', Forensic Sci Int 159(1):64-70 [DOI]
  • Grignani P., Peloso G., Fattorini P. and Previderè C. (2000), 'Highly informative Y-chromosomal haplotypes by the addition of three new STRs DYS437, DYS438 and DYS439.', Int J Legal Med 114(1-2):125-9 [PubMed]
  • Presciuttini S., Caglià A., Alù M., Asmundo A., Buscemi L., Caenazzo L., Carnevali E., Carra E., Battisti D., Stefano D., Domenici R., Piccinini A., Resta N., Ricci U. and Pascali VL. (2001), 'Y-chromosome haplotypes in Italy: the GEFI collaborative database.', Forensic Sci Int 122(2-3):184-8 [PubMed]
  • Onofri V., Alessandrini F., Turchi C., Fraternale B., Buscemi L., Pesaresi M. and Tagliabracci A. (2007), 'Y-chromosome genetic structure in sub-Apennine populations of Central Italy by SNP and STR analysis.', Int J Legal Med 121(3):234-7 [PubMed] [DOI]
  • Ferri G., Ceccardi S., Lugaresi F., Bini C., Ingravallo F., Cicognani A., Falconi M. and Pelotti S. (2008), 'Male haplotypes and haplogroups differences between urban (Rimini) and rural area (Valmarecchia) in Romagna region (North Italy).', Forensic Sci Int 175(2-3):250-5 [PubMed] [DOI]
  • Cerri N., Verzeletti A., Bandera B. and Ferrari D. (2005), 'Population data for 12 Y-chromosome STRs in a sample from Brescia (northern Italy).', Forensic Sci Int 152(1):83-7 [PubMed] [DOI]
  • Turrina S., Atzei R. and Leo D. (2006), 'Y-chromosomal STR haplotypes in a Northeast Italian population sample using 17plex loci PCR assay.', Int J Legal Med 120(1):56-9 [PubMed] [DOI]
  • Ghiani ME. and Vona G. (2002), 'Y-chromosome-specific microsatellite variation in a population sample from Sardinia (Italy).', Coll Antropol 26(2):387-401 [PubMed]
  • Ferri G., Alù M., Corradini B., Radheshi E. and Beduschi G. (2009), 'Slow and fast evolving markers typing in Modena males (North Italy).', Forensic Sci Int Genet 3(2):e31-3 [PubMed] [DOI]
  • Verzeletti A., Cerri N., Gasparini F., Poglio A., Mazzeo E. and Ferrari D. (2009), 'Population data for 15 autosomal STRs loci and 12 Y chromosome STRs loci in a population sample from the Sardinia island (Italy).', Leg Med (Tokyo) 11(1):37-40 [PubMed] [DOI]
  • Rodríguez V., Tomàs C., Sánchez JJ., Castro JA., Ramon MM., Barbaro A., Morling N. and Picornell A. (2009), 'Genetic sub-structure in western Mediterranean populations revealed by 12 Y-chromosome STR loci.', Int J Legal Med 123(2):137-41 [PubMed] [DOI]
  • Brisighelli F., Blanco-Verea A., Boschi I., Garagnani P., Pascali VL., Carracedo A., Capelli C. and Salas A. (2012), 'Patterns of Y-STR variation in Italy.', Forensic Sci Int Genet 6(6):834-9 [PubMed] [DOI]
  • Piglionica M., Baldassarra SL., Giardina E., Stella A., D'Ovidio FD., Frati P., Lenato GM., Resta N. and Dell'Erba A. (2013), 'Population data for 17 Y-chromosome STRs in a sample from Apulia (Southern Italy).', Forensic Sci Int Genet 7(1):e3-4 [PubMed] [DOI]
  • 1000 Genomes Project Consortium (2015), 'A global reference for human genetic variation.', Nature 526(7571):68-74 [PubMed] [DOI]
  • Robino C., Inturri S., Gino S., Torre C., Gaetano D., Crobu F., Romano V., Matullo G. and Piazza A. (2006), 'Y-chromosomal STR haplotypes in Sicily.', Forensic Sci Int 159(2-3):235-40 [PubMed] [DOI]
  • Robino C., Ralf A., Pasino S., Marchi D., Ballantyne KN., Barbaro A., Bini C., Carnevali E., Casarino L., Gaetano D., Fabbri M., Ferri G., Giardina E., Gonzalez A., Matullo G., Nutini AL., Onofri V., Piccinini A., Piglionica M., Ponzano E., Previderè C., Resta N., Scarnicci F., Seidita G., Sorçaburu-Cigliero S., Turrina S., Verzeletti A. and Kayser M. (2015), 'Development of an Italian RM Y-STR haplotype database: Results of the 2013 GEFI collaborative exercise.', Forensic Sci Int Genet 15:56-63 [PubMed] [DOI]
  • Lacerenza D., Aneli S., Di C., Critelli R., Piazza A., Matullo G., Culigioni C., Robledo R., Robino C. and Calò C. (2017), 'Investigation of extended Y chromosome STR haplotypes in Sardinia', Forensic Science International: Genetics 27:172-4 [DOI]
  • Rapone C., D'Atanasio E., Agostino A., Mariano M., Papaluca MT., Cruciani F. and Berti A. (2016), 'Forensic genetic value of a 27 Y-STR loci multiplex (Yfiler(®) Plus kit) in an Italian population sample.', Forensic Sci Int Genet 21:e1-5 [PubMed] [DOI]
  • Sarno S., Tofanelli S., De S., Quagliariello A., Bortolini E., Ferri G., Anagnostou P., Brisighelli F., Capelli C., Tagarelli G., Sineo L., Luiselli D., Boattini A. and Pettener D. (2016), 'Shared language, diverging genetic histories: high-resolution analysis of Y-chromosome variability in Calabrian and Sicilian Arbereshe', European Journal of Human Genetics 24:600-6 [Link]

Personal communications

YA005872, YA005758, YA005276, YA005393, YA005143, YA005437
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