Contributor Ayse Serin (YC000214)

The contributor can be reached at
University of Cukurova
Faculty of Medicine
Department of Forensic Medicine
  • The contributor has successfully passed the Quality Control Exercise.
  • Ayse Serin contributed 249 Haplotypes on November 9, 2011: National Database Turkey, Metapopulation Eurasian - Altaic (for reference see Serin A., Canan H., Alper B. and Sertdemir Y. (2011), 'Haplotype frequencies of 17 Y-chromosomal short tandem repeat loci from the Cukurova region of Turkey.', Croat Med J 52(6):703-8 [Link] [PubMed] [DOI] )
  • Ayse Serin contributed 86 Haplotypes on September 10, 2012: National Database Turkey, Metapopulation Eurasian - Altaic (for reference see Ozbas-Gerceker F., Bozman N., Arslan A. and Serin A. (2013), 'Population Data for 17 Y-STRs in Samples from Southeastern Anatolia Region of Turkey', Int J Hum Genet 13(2):105-111 [Link] )
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