Contributor Martin Whittle (YC000072)

The contributor can be reached at
Genomic Engenharia Molecular Ltda
Rua Itapeva 500
cj 5AB
01332-903 Sao Paulo
  • The contributor has successfully passed the Quality Control Exercise.
  • Martin Whittle contributed 464 Haplotypes on December 8, 2005: National Database Brazil, Metapopulation Eurasian - European (for reference see Gusmão L., Sánchez-Diz P., Calafell F., Martín P., Alonso CA., Alvarez-Fernández F., Alves C., Borjas-Fajardo L., Bozzo WR., Bravo ML., Builes JJ., Capilla J., Carvalho M., Castillo C., Catanesi CI., Corach D., Lonardo D., Espinheira R., De F., Farfán MJ., Figueiredo HP., Gomes I., Lojo MM., Marino M., Pinheiro MF., Pontes ML., Prieto V., Ramos-Luis E., Riancho JA., Góes S., Santapa OA., Sumita DR., Vallejo G., Rioja V., Vide MC., Da V., Whittle MR., Zabala W., Zarrabeitia MT., Alonso A., Carracedo A. and Amorim A. (2005), 'Mutation rates at Y chromosome specific microsatellites.', Hum Mutat 26(6):520-8 [PubMed] [DOI] )
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