Contributor Silvano Presciuttini (YC000096)

The contributor can be reached at
Dept. of Biomedicine
University of Pisa
S.S. Abetone e Bremero 2
56127 Pisa
  • The contributor has successfully passed the Quality Control Exercise (By GEFI).
  • Silvano Presciuttini contributed 81 Haplotypes on November 21, 2001: National Database Italy, Metapopulation Eurasian - European - Western European (for reference see Presciuttini S., Caglià A., Alù M., Asmundo A., Buscemi L., Caenazzo L., Carnevali E., Carra E., Battisti D., Stefano D., Domenici R., Piccinini A., Resta N., Ricci U. and Pascali VL. (2001), 'Y-chromosome haplotypes in Italy: the GEFI collaborative database.', Forensic Sci Int 122(2-3):184-8 [PubMed] )
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