Contributor Susi Pelotti (YC000098)

The contributor can be reached at
Department of Medicine and Public Health
Section of Legal Medicine
University of Bologna
Via Irnerio 49
40126 Bologna
  • The contributor has successfully passed the Quality Control Exercise.
  • Susi Pelotti contributed 51 Haplotypes on March 3, 2008: National Database Italy, Metapopulation Eurasian - European - Western European (for reference see Ferri G., Ceccardi S., Lugaresi F., Bini C., Ingravallo F., Cicognani A., Falconi M. and Pelotti S. (2008), 'Male haplotypes and haplogroups differences between urban (Rimini) and rural area (Valmarecchia) in Romagna region (North Italy).', Forensic Sci Int 175(2-3):250-5 [PubMed] [DOI] )
  • Susi Pelotti contributed 382 Haplotypes on August 26, 2008: National Database Italy, Metapopulation Eurasian - European - Western European (for reference see Ferri G., Ceccardi S., Lugaresi F., Bini C., Ingravallo F., Cicognani A., Falconi M. and Pelotti S. (2008), 'Male haplotypes and haplogroups differences between urban (Rimini) and rural area (Valmarecchia) in Romagna region (North Italy).', Forensic Sci Int 175(2-3):250-5 [PubMed] [DOI] )
  • Susi Pelotti contributed 98 Haplotypes on December 2, 2007: National Database Italy, Metapopulation Eurasian - European - Western European (for reference see Ferri G., Ceccardi S., Lugaresi F., Bini C., Ingravallo F., Cicognani A., Falconi M. and Pelotti S. (2008), 'Male haplotypes and haplogroups differences between urban (Rimini) and rural area (Valmarecchia) in Romagna region (North Italy).', Forensic Sci Int 175(2-3):250-5 [PubMed] [DOI] )
  • Susi Pelotti contributed 65 Haplotypes on September 19, 2007: National Database Italy, Metapopulation Eurasian - European - Western European (for reference see Ferri G., Ceccardi S., Lugaresi F., Bini C., Ingravallo F., Cicognani A., Falconi M. and Pelotti S. (2008), 'Male haplotypes and haplogroups differences between urban (Rimini) and rural area (Valmarecchia) in Romagna region (North Italy).', Forensic Sci Int 175(2-3):250-5 [PubMed] [DOI] )
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