Contributor Clarice S. Alho, Juliana Jannuzzi and Leonor Gusmao (YC000445)

The contributor can be reached at
Clarice S. Alho
Laboratório de Genética Humana e Molecular
Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul
Av. Ipiranga
6681 - Partenon
Porto Alegre - RS
  • The contributor has successfully passed the Quality Control Exercise (Samples genotyped at UERJ).
  • Clarice S. Alho, Juliana Jannuzzi and Leonor Gusmao contributed 211 Haplotypes on September 25, 2018: National Database Brazil, Metapopulation Admixed (for reference see Jannuzzi J., Ribeiro J., Alho C., Oliveira D., Cicarelli R., Dutra S., Ferreira S., Fridman C., Gomes V., Loiola S., Mota D., Â RDS., Souza D., Sousa D., Carvalho EF. and Gusmão L. (2020), 'Male lineages in Brazilian populations and performance of haplogroup prediction tools.', Forensic Sci Int Genet 44:102163 [PubMed] [DOI] )
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