Contributor Qi Zhao and Yingnan Bian (YC000309)
The contributor can be reached at
Shanghai Key Laboratory of Forensic Medicine
Institute of Forensic Sciences
Ministry of Justice
Shanghai Key Laboratory of Forensic Medicine
Institute of Forensic Sciences
Ministry of Justice
- The contributor has successfully passed the Quality Control Exercise on May 23, 2014.
- Qi Zhao and Yingnan Bian contributed 100 Haplotypes on November 29, 2016: National Database China, Metapopulation East Asian - Sino-Tibetan - Chinese (Han) (for reference see Zhao Q., Bian Y., Zhang S., Zhu R., Zhou W., Gao Y. and Li C. (2017), 'Population genetics study using 26 Y-chromosomal STR loci in the Hui ethnic group in China', Forensic Science International: Genetics 28:e26-e27 [Link] [DOI] )
- Qi Zhao and Yingnan Bian contributed 90 Haplotypes on November 29, 2016: National Database China, Metapopulation East Asian - Sino-Tibetan - Chinese (Han) (for reference see Zhao Q., Bian Y., Zhang S., Zhu R., Zhou W., Gao Y. and Li C. (2017), 'Population genetics study using 26 Y-chromosomal STR loci in the Hui ethnic group in China', Forensic Science International: Genetics 28:e26-e27 [Link] [DOI] )