Contributor Ronny Decorte, Maarten Larmuseau and Claudio Ottoni (YC000108)

The contributor can be reached at
Department of Human Genetics
KU Leuven
B-3000 Leuven
Forensic Biomedical Sciences
Department of Imaging & Pathology
KU Leuven
Leuven 3000
Laboratory of Forensic genetics and Molecular Archaeology
UZ Leuven
Leuven 3000
  • The contributor has successfully passed the Quality Control Exercise.
  • Ronny Decorte, Maarten Larmuseau and Claudio Ottoni contributed 113 Haplotypes on September 25, 2005: National Database Belgium, Metapopulation Eurasian - European - Western European (for reference see Maesschalck D., Vanhoutte E., Knaepen K., Vanderheyden N., Cassiman JJ. and Decorte R. (2005), 'Y-chromosomal STR haplotypes in a Belgian population sample and identification of a micro-variant with a flanking site mutation at DYS19.', Forensic Sci Int 152(1):89-94 [PubMed] [DOI] )
  • Ronny Decorte, Maarten Larmuseau and Claudio Ottoni contributed 317 Haplotypes on October 20, 2019: National Database Belgium, Metapopulation Eurasian - European - Western European (for reference see Claerhout S., Roelens J., Der V., Verstraete P., Larmuseau MHD. and Decorte R. (2020), 'Ysurnames? The patrilineal Y-chromosome and surname correlation for DNA kinship research', For Sci Int Genet 44:102204 [DOI] )
  • Ronny Decorte, Maarten Larmuseau and Claudio Ottoni contributed 188 Haplotypes on October 5, 2019: National Database Belgium, Metapopulation Eurasian - European - Western European (for reference see Claerhout S., Roelens J., Der V., Verstraete P., Larmuseau MHD. and Decorte R. (2020), 'Ysurnames? The patrilineal Y-chromosome and surname correlation for DNA kinship research', For Sci Int Genet 44:102204 [DOI] )
  • Ronny Decorte, Maarten Larmuseau and Claudio Ottoni contributed 136 Haplotypes on April 13, 2020: National Database Netherlands, Metapopulation Eurasian - European - Western European (for reference see Claerhout S., Roelens J., Der V., Verstraete P., Larmuseau MHD. and Decorte R. (2020), 'Ysurnames? The patrilineal Y-chromosome and surname correlation for DNA kinship research', For Sci Int Genet 44:102204 [DOI] )
  • Ronny Decorte, Maarten Larmuseau and Claudio Ottoni contributed 47 Haplotypes on September 16, 2011: National Database Libya, Metapopulation Afro-Asiatic - Berber (for reference see Ottoni C., Larmuseau MH., Vanderheyden N., Martínez-Labarga C., Primativo G., Biondi G., Decorte R. and Rickards O. (2011), 'Deep into the roots of the Libyan Tuareg: a genetic survey of their paternal heritage.', Am J Phys Anthropol 145(1):118-24 [PubMed] [DOI] )
  • Ronny Decorte, Maarten Larmuseau and Claudio Ottoni contributed 25 Haplotypes on January 19, 2015: National Database Belgium, Metapopulation Eurasian - European - Western European (for reference see Purps J., Siegert S., Willuweit S., Nagy M., Alves C., Salazar R., Angustia SM., Santos LH., Anslinger K., Bayer B., Ayub Q., Wei W., Xue Y., Tyler-Smith C., Bafalluy MB., Martínez-Jarreta B., Egyed B., Balitzki B., Tschumi S., Ballard D., Court DS., Barrantes X., Bäßler G., Wiest T., Berger B., Niederstätter H., Parson W., Davis C., Budowle B., Burri H., Borer U., Koller C., Carvalho EF., Domingues PM., Chamoun WT., Coble MD., Hill CR., Corach D., Caputo M., D'Amato ME., Davison S., Decorte R., Larmuseau MH., Ottoni C., Rickards O., Lu D., Jiang C., Dobosz T., Jonkisz A., Frank WE., Furac I., Gehrig C., Castella V., Grskovic B., Haas C., Wobst J., Hadzic G., Drobnic K., Honda K., Hou Y., Zhou D., Li Y., Hu S., Chen S., Immel UD., Lessig R., Jakovski Z., Ilievska T., Klann AE., García CC., Knijff D., Kraaijenbrink T., Kondili A., Miniati P., Vouropoulou M., Kovacevic L., Marjanovic D., Lindner I., Mansour I., Al-Azem M., Andari AE., Marino M., Furfuro S., Locarno L., Martín P., Luque GM., Alonso A., Miranda LS., Moreira H., Mizuno N., Iwashima Y., Neto RS., Nogueira TL., Silva R., Nastainczyk-Wulf M., Edelmann J., Kohl M., Nie S., Wang X., Cheng B., Núñez C., Pancorbo MM., Olofsson JK., Morling N., Onofri V., Tagliabracci A., Pamjav H., Volgyi A., Barany G., Pawlowski R., Maciejewska A., Pelotti S., Pepinski W., Abreu-Glowacka M., Phillips C., Cárdenas J., Rey-Gonzalez D., Salas A., Brisighelli F., Capelli C., Toscanini U., Piccinini A., Piglionica M., Baldassarra SL., Ploski R., Konarzewska M., Jastrzebska E., Robino C., Sajantila A., Palo JU., Guevara E., Salvador J., Ungria MC., Rodriguez JJ., Schmidt U., Schlauderer N., Saukko P., Schneider PM., Sirker M., Shin KJ., Oh YN., Skitsa I., Ampati A., Smith TG., Calvit LS., Stenzl V., Capal T., Tillmar A., Nilsson H., Turrina S., Leo D., Verzeletti A., Cortellini V., Wetton JH., Gwynne GM., Jobling MA., Whittle MR., Sumita DR., Wolańska-Nowak P., Yong RY., Krawczak M., Nothnagel M. and Roewer L. (2014), 'A global analysis of Y-chromosomal haplotype diversity for 23 STR loci.', Forensic Sci Int Genet 12:12-23 [PubMed] [DOI] )
  • Ronny Decorte, Maarten Larmuseau and Claudio Ottoni contributed 149 Haplotypes on March 5, 2020: National Database Belgium, Metapopulation Eurasian - European - Western European (for reference see Claerhout S., Roelens J., Der V., Verstraete P., Larmuseau MHD. and Decorte R. (2020), 'Ysurnames? The patrilineal Y-chromosome and surname correlation for DNA kinship research', For Sci Int Genet 44:102204 [DOI] )
  • Ronny Decorte, Maarten Larmuseau and Claudio Ottoni contributed 198 Haplotypes on November 21, 2019: National Database Belgium, Metapopulation Eurasian - European - Western European (for reference see Claerhout S., Roelens J., Der V., Verstraete P., Larmuseau MHD. and Decorte R. (2020), 'Ysurnames? The patrilineal Y-chromosome and surname correlation for DNA kinship research', For Sci Int Genet 44:102204 [DOI] )
  • Ronny Decorte, Maarten Larmuseau and Claudio Ottoni contributed 48 Haplotypes on October 13, 2019: National Database Belgium, Metapopulation Eurasian - European - Western European (for reference see Claerhout S., Roelens J., Der V., Verstraete P., Larmuseau MHD. and Decorte R. (2020), 'Ysurnames? The patrilineal Y-chromosome and surname correlation for DNA kinship research', For Sci Int Genet 44:102204 [DOI] )
  • Ronny Decorte, Maarten Larmuseau and Claudio Ottoni contributed 241 Haplotypes on April 22, 2020: National Database Belgium, Metapopulation Eurasian - European - Western European (for reference see Claerhout S., Roelens J., Der V., Verstraete P., Larmuseau MHD. and Decorte R. (2020), 'Ysurnames? The patrilineal Y-chromosome and surname correlation for DNA kinship research', For Sci Int Genet 44:102204 [DOI] )
  • Ronny Decorte, Maarten Larmuseau and Claudio Ottoni contributed 51 Haplotypes on April 10, 2015: National Database Benin, Metapopulation African - Sub-Saharan African (for reference see Larmuseau MHD., Vessi A., Jobling MA., Geystelen A., Primativo G., Biondi G., Martínez-Labarga C., Ottoni C., Decorte R. and Rickards O. (2015), 'The Paternal Landscape along the Bight of Benin - Testing Regional Representativeness of West-African Population Samples Using Y-Chromosomal Markers', PLoS ONE 10(11):e0141510 [Link] [DOI] )
  • Ronny Decorte, Maarten Larmuseau and Claudio Ottoni contributed 2 Haplotypes on November 14, 2017: National Database Belgium, Metapopulation Eurasian - European - Western European (for reference see Claerhout S., Roelens J., Der V., Verstraete P., Larmuseau MHD. and Decorte R. (2020), 'Ysurnames? The patrilineal Y-chromosome and surname correlation for DNA kinship research', For Sci Int Genet 44:102204 [DOI] )
  • Ronny Decorte, Maarten Larmuseau and Claudio Ottoni contributed 29 Haplotypes on November 14, 2017: National Database Netherlands, Metapopulation Eurasian - European - Western European (for reference see Claerhout S., Roelens J., Der V., Verstraete P., Larmuseau MHD. and Decorte R. (2020), 'Ysurnames? The patrilineal Y-chromosome and surname correlation for DNA kinship research', For Sci Int Genet 44:102204 [DOI] )
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