Contributor Lagabaiyila Zha (YC000299)

The contributor can be reached at
Department of Forensic Science
School of Basic Medical Sciences
Central South University
Tongzipo Road 172#
Changsha 410013
People’s Republic of China
  • The contributor has successfully passed the Quality Control Exercise on November 20, 2015.
  • Lagabaiyila Zha contributed 297 Haplotypes on October 25, 2016: National Database China, Metapopulation Eurasian - Altaic (for reference see Fu X., Fu Y., Liu Y., Guo J., Liu Y., Guo Y., Yan J., Cai J., Liu J. and Zha (2016), 'Genetic polymorphisms of 26 Y-STR loci in the Mongolian minority from Horqin district, China', International Journal of Legal Medicine 130(4):941-6 )
  • Lagabaiyila Zha contributed 310 Haplotypes on October 25, 2016: National Database China, Metapopulation East Asian - Sino-Tibetan - Chinese (Han) (for reference see Jiang W., Gong Z., Rong H., Guan H., Zhang T., Zhao Y., Fu X., Zha L., Jin C. and Ding Y. (2016), 'Population genetics of 26 Y-STR loci for the Han ethnic in Hunan province, China.', Int J Legal Med 131(1):115-7 [DOI] )
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