Contributor Inkar Tazhigulova (YC000346)

The contributor can be reached at
Astana Forensic Institute
Mustafina road
010000 Astana
Republic of Kazakhstan
  • The contributor has successfully passed the Quality Control Exercise on February 5, 2018.
  • Inkar Tazhigulova contributed 110 Haplotypes on February 19, 2018: National Database Kazakhstan, Metapopulation Eurasian - Altaic (for reference see Zhabagin M., Sarkytbayeva A., Tazhigulova I., Yerezhepov D., Li S., Akilzhanov R., Yeralinov A., Sabitov Z. and Akilzhanova A. (2019), 'Development of the Kazakhstan Y-chromosome haplotype reference database: analysis of 27 Y-STR in Kazakh population', Int J Legal Med 133(4):1029–32 [Link] [DOI] )
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