News & Updates
Release 49
At Feb 18, 2015 we’ve launched release 49 of the YHRD with 6.860 additional STR profiles of which more than 2.200 include Y-SNP information. The database has now 143.044 minimal, 103.733 Powerplex Y12, 91.231 Yfiler, 25.499 Powerplex Y23 and 2.071 YfilerPlus profiles. 17.052 haplotypes have a haplogroup designation. There is also a new feature presenting spatial haplogroup distributions (by clicking on the haplogroup of interest) derived from the databased samples, which is however still much biased due to the geographically extremely uneven distribution of sampled chromosomes. For a full changelog see “Release History”.
(posted almost 10 years ago)Release 48
At Nov 10, 2014 we launched release 48 of the YHRD with 3.886 new STR profiles. The database is now comprised of 136.184 haplotypes. 15.277 of these are extended by Y-SNPs and assigned to haplogroups according to the recently published minimal phylogenetic tree. Altogether 917 populations in 127 countries are represented. The largest databases: China, USA, Germany, Brazil and Poland, each with more than 7.000 haplotypes.
(posted about 10 years ago)Added Mutation Rates and Locus Information
Mutation Rates and Locus Information are back again.
(posted about 10 years ago)Y-STR Mixture Calculation Available
We are more than happy to announce that the Y-STR Mixture Calculation Tool is available again.
(posted about 10 years ago)Training Screencasts Available
We have recorded some introductory Training Screencasts for you. They show how to use the YHRD by examples.
(posted over 10 years ago)