News & Updates

XII. Workshop "Haploid Markers 2020" in Budapest, Hungary

The XII. HM workshop will be held in Budapest (Hungary), May 13-16, 2020 organized by the Hungarian Institute for Forensic Sciences (HIFS). The website for registration and abstract submission opens soon.

(posted about 5 years ago)


Release 61

We are pleased to announce the latest release of the YHRD: Release R61. More than 16,000 haplotypes (about 600 typed also for Y-SNPs) were added to the database. Please see our our Release History for further information on particular submissions.

(posted about 5 years ago)


Training webinar added

We added a link to a recently produced webinar explaining how the YHRD works and how to use it in casework. You can view it here.

(posted over 5 years ago)


Contributions to the YHRD

We have updated the requirements for first-submitters of population data to the YHRD. Please note that we have stopped sending QC samples, since Y-STR typing methods are sufficiently established and standardized. Please note that we now request original epg’s of positive and negative controls and allelic ladders of the kit. Please consult help pages for further information.

(posted over 5 years ago)


YHRD Release R60

YHRD has been updated to release R60. We have implemented an overview and detail pages for every “National Database” available at YHRD. Additionally, there is a table of the 10 most common haplotypes available at each metapopulation and national database page.

(posted over 5 years ago)

* See FAQ/Glossary ( for further explanations of abbreviated terms used here