News & Updates

YHRD downtime

We apologize for the downtime of the YHRD due to a severe server problem. The database went back to work at August 13, 2018, 10:30 am.

(posted over 6 years ago)


Release 57

We are proud to announce the latest release of the YHRD: Release R57. More than 9000 YFiler were added to the database and thus summing up to 216,562 minimal and 165,261 YFiler haplotypes worldwide. Please see our Release History for further information on particular submissions.

Additionally an important update on the Discrete Laplace frequency estimation method is part of this release: We have re-calculated the best number of haplotype centers for each Metapopulation. This was not done since release R55, because it takes roughly 3 months on a 16-node cluster and therefore cannot be performed on a regular basis. Please see Discrete Laplace specification of appropriate Metapopulations at the Calculation Summary page.

A minor update on the Kinship Tool has been implemented. Please see the revised and corrected formula used at the YHRD.

(posted over 6 years ago)


11th Haploid Markers Workshop 2018

We thank the Institute of Molecular and Forensic Genetics, Collegium Medicum at the Nicolaus Copernicus University Bydgoszcz for organizing the 11th Workshop in Bydgoszcz titled “Inferring ancestry from DNA”. The excellent program with keynotes of Chris Phillips, Mark Jobling and Chris Tyler-Smith, 40 talks and 62 posters attracts 190 participants from 48 countries. The original workshop concept aimed to present the latest research on genome variation in concert with applications of DNA to forensic casework proves again successful. We look forward to 2020.

(posted over 6 years ago)



We would like to emphasize again that the YHRD does not contain any personal data linked to the haplotypes retrieved from population studies. It is therefore impossible to connect a Y-STR profile (haplotype) to a person or its relatives via the YHRD.

(posted over 6 years ago)


Release 56

YHRD has now more than 207.000 Y-STR haplotypes. Remember, in December 2011 we crossed the 100k (release 39). The current release 56 provides more than 10.000 new haplotypes, among these >1000 with SNP information from Belgium, Netherlands, UK, Argentina and Macedonia (see release history).

(posted almost 7 years ago)

* See FAQ/Glossary ( for further explanations of abbreviated terms used here